Feb 21, 2022
Founder and formulator for Alfa Vedic, Dr. Barre Lando has traveled an eclectic path through athletics and academics in becoming a Physician, Bioterrain Specialist & Permaculture farmer.
You can learn more about him and his work here.
Feb 13, 2022
“We are in this constant search for a miracle, to find an external
source of light. The longer we search, the greater we separate
ourselves from that very source. You are the miracle, the very lamp
that shines that light."
-Indi Rajpal,
Strength and Empowerment Coach
London, UK
I have always believed that we have...
Feb 1, 2022
Paul's mission is a common sense, courteous approach to educating folks about common law, the legal system and how it all comes together and relates to us on a personal level.
His intent is to provide a platform for public servants to act in good faith, and also educate those that are misinformed in order to provide...