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13 Questions podcast

Feb 26, 2023

Derek Condit – Psychic/Medium/Energy Worker

How Derek perceives energy:

Individuals such as myself are sometimes called ‘seers’. I prefer to describe myself as a ‘frequency perceiver’. With a combination of natural born intuition and many years of self-expansion and training, I’ve learned to perceive our...

Feb 22, 2023

Adam and Bill are interviewed by Jake on his podcast Loco Listens.

Follow Jake on IG at 

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Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

Shungite from Derek Condit

Contact the...

Feb 19, 2023

Steve Nelson aka Shellback was raised in New Hampshire. He enlisted in the US Navy in January of 2003. In his 20 years of Naval service he has visited 37 countries and six continents. He is currently awaiting to transfer back into civilian life and is ready to start his next great adventure.

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Jan 18, 2023

Amish Matt, 1/3 of the Amish Inquisition, part time podcaster, fulltime Dad, almost a fully accredited CBT Therapist and praiser of Jahbulon.

Amish Inquisition Matrix Chat

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Jan 7, 2023

Ben Walsmith is just an average guy who a few years back, was grabbed by the lapels and spontaneously shaken awake by the universe. Put on a fast track of deprogramming, healing wounds and a remembering of the mystical, esoteric and occulted nature of reality.

Two and a half years a nomad, allowing the universe to...